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Creating a Bindle for a Provider

Currently, there is no tooling outside of the bindle CLI for creating a bindle for your provider. This will be added to wash in the future as we solidify our Bindle support. These instructions show how to manually assemble a bindle for a provider.


Before doing these steps, you'll need to install the bindle CLI by downloading it from the releases page.

After downloading bindle, set the BINDLE_URL environment variable to the bindle server of your choosing:

$ export BINDLE_URL=http://localhost:8080/v1

Creating your Invoice

First off, you'll need to create an invoice. Create a new file called invoice.toml and put the following content in it, switching out name and version with the values for your specific project as well as updating the description and authors field:

bindleVersion = "1.0.0"

name = ""
version = "0.14.7"
description = "A wasmCloud maintained HTTP server capability provider that implements the wasmcloud:httpserver contract"
authors = ["The wasmCloud Team"]

"" = "provider"

For more information on Bindle naming and IDs, see the relevant information in the Bindle docs. Currently, we do not actually use the annotation, but we likely will in the future.

Adding Parcels

A Provider bindle must contain the claims.jwt for a provider as well as all of the binaries needed for that provider (generally one per supported OS + ARCH combination). It is recommended that you put all of these files in a directory for ease of use when generating the labels. You can then run the following command to get all of the necessary labels:

$ ls subdir/ | xargs -I {} bindle generate-label subdir/{}
sha256 = 'd8131f5241fb0ddeac642e714136ea8356288c4a2fc02c28ebd154d9c45303f0'
mediaType = 'application/octet-stream'
name = 'aarch64-linux.bin'
size = 13382200

sha256 = 'c8d75a703d7e967a17e5e41ec968bd1bb0aa5ca1df4301404fb171555af6620c'
mediaType = 'application/octet-stream'
name = 'aarch64-macos.bin'
size = 7568072


Once you have these labels, each one should be added as a separate object of the parcel array (beneath the already existing content in invoice.toml). Note that you must also specify a set of features and conditions. The conditions field will be the same for all of the binaries as it specifies that the given parcel is part of the group of possible binaries to select from. For the claims file, the memberOf array should be set to the single value of jwt. The features field must contain two keys: arch and os that match the given architecture and operating system for each binary. An example of this is below:

sha256 = 'd8131f5241fb0ddeac642e714136ea8356288c4a2fc02c28ebd154d9c45303f0'
mediaType = 'application/octet-stream'
name = 'aarch64-linux.bin'
size = 13382200
arch = "aarch64"
os = "linux"

memberOf = ["binaries"]

sha256 = 'dd956beef11c1deba32f85ee2dbdaaade8923afd0956ab1c370041431432e194'
mediaType = 'application/octet-stream'
name = 'claims.jwt'
size = 1191

memberOf = ["jwt"]

The group names and the parcel.label.feature.wasmcloud feature are REQUIRED for use in wasmCloud

Adding groups

At the very end of the invoice.toml, you'll need to actually define the two groups the parcels are referring to. This content can be copy/pasted verbatim:

name = "binaries"
required = true
satisfiedBy = "oneOf"

name = "jwt"
required = true
satisfiedBy = "allOf"

Pushing to the server

Once you have finished your invoice, you can push everything to the server. There are two options for doing so. It is highly recommended that for real use cases (basically if you are doing anything outside of simple testing) that you sign the invoice using bindle sign. More information on signing can be found in the Bindle docs.

Method 1: Pushing Individual Files

The first thing you'll need to push is your invoice:

$ bindle push-invoice invoice.toml
Invoice created

You'll want to copy the bindle ID ( from above to use in the next commands.

Once pushed, you can push all your binary files like so (assuming all of your binaries have an extension of .bin):

$ ls subdir/*.bin | xargs -I {} bindle push-file {}

Then you can push the claims:

$ bindle push-file subdir/claims.jwt

Whew! You made it!

Method 2: Creating a standalone bindle

It is worth mentioning that there is an alternate option to pushing that will not be fully documented here called a "Standalone Bindle." This is likely the intermediate format we will use in the future when adding support to wash. If you create a standalone bindle, you are able to do a simple bindle push <bindle_id> to push all of the data at once to a bindle server. For more information on how a standalone bindle is constructed, see the Bindle docs.

A full example

Below is a full invoice example converted from for reference:

bindleVersion = "1.0.0"

name = ""
version = "0.14.7"
description = "A wasmCloud maintained HTTP server capability provider that implements the wasmcloud:httpserver contract"
authors = ["The wasmCloud Team"]

"" = "provider"

sha256 = 'd8131f5241fb0ddeac642e714136ea8356288c4a2fc02c28ebd154d9c45303f0'
mediaType = 'application/octet-stream'
name = 'aarch64-linux.bin'
size = 13382200
arch = "aarch64"
os = "linux"

memberOf = ["binaries"]

sha256 = 'c8d75a703d7e967a17e5e41ec968bd1bb0aa5ca1df4301404fb171555af6620c'
mediaType = 'application/octet-stream'
name = 'aarch64-macos.bin'
size = 7568072
arch = "aarch64"
os = "macos"

memberOf = ["binaries"]

sha256 = 'd5233ab1ae4b6487f7e7a0d357b3212f375b545c83bd11e2c73930f50b91c0c8'
mediaType = 'application/octet-stream'
name = 'armv7-linux.bin'
size = 12506760
arch = "armv7"
os = "linux"

memberOf = ["binaries"]

sha256 = '2f2970224f2adb7fc6d7953f5acb531b8d75c0120b7ac688a7b39f86bb0c22c3'
mediaType = 'application/octet-stream'
name = 'x86_64-linux.bin'
size = 14164432
arch = "x86_64"
os = "linux"

memberOf = ["binaries"]

sha256 = '9c386116e3d32b32d5d994200c4a78c78dbe051113beb2af1f4158465ac1e3a5'
mediaType = 'application/octet-stream'
name = 'x86_64-macos.bin'
size = 8894896
arch = "x86_64"
os = "macos"

memberOf = ["binaries"]

sha256 = '6c0740c4dbcd0f3f08a857a3a4c84fc2bb981936ab44f602efbccf8bd444a0c3'
mediaType = 'application/octet-stream'
name = 'x86_64-windows.bin'
size = 23891684
arch = "x86_64"
os = "windows"

memberOf = ["binaries"]

sha256 = 'dd956beef11c1deba32f85ee2dbdaaade8923afd0956ab1c370041431432e194'
mediaType = 'application/octet-stream'
name = 'claims.jwt'
size = 1191

memberOf = ["jwt"]

name = "binaries"
required = true
satisfiedBy = "oneOf"

name = "jwt"
required = true
satisfiedBy = "allOf"